Canada Drug Rehab
An online directory of public and private drug rehab and alcohol treatment programs throughout Canada. Brings together treatment options for all types of addiction from gambling to street drugs to alcohol and beyond.
I Want to Stop Now
Offers alternative 12 step alcohol addiction treatment and counseling programs for individuals with alcohol abuse and addiction.
Lynwode Manor
Located in Lincolnshire, UK, provides drug and alcoholism treatment in a private, peaceful and supportive environment for people experiencing problems with drugs and alcohol.
Net Addiction
Offering wide range of resources to those seeking treatment for internet addiction online.
Orchid Recovery Center
Comprehensive drug and alcohol treatment program designed exclusively for women who are addicted to drugs and alcohol.
Organization helping men and women share their experience to overcome and recover from sexual addiction.
Eurofins Forensic Services
Specialises in DNA, drug and alcohol analysis for police forces, coroners and legal professionals.
New Method Wellness
Specializes in drug and alcohol recovery, utilizing DBT, cognitive therapy, equine therapy, and chronic relapse treatment.
Empower Counselling
Providing solution-focused therapy through complementary techniques and approaches. Support and guidance in addressing mental health and addiction issues. Located in Hamilton, Ontario, our professional counselling service is committed to your wellness wit
Canadian Health Recovery Centre: Drug and Alcohol Rehab
An established rehab for alcohol and drug treatment. Program addresses the underlying neurological and biochemical imbalances that counseling alone cannot heal will give you 100% satisfaction. The approach to recovery is vastly different from traditional
Largest mental health and addiction teaching hospital, combines clinical care, research, education, policy development and health promotion to help transform the lives of people affected by mental health and addiction issues.
Brown University
Provides wide range of identification, prevention and effective treatment of alcohol and other drug use problems in society through research, education, training and policy advocacy.
Sunshine Coast Health Center
One of Canada's top alcohol treatment and drug rehabilitation centers. Located in British Columbia, offers alcohol or drug detox based on a non-12 step methodology. Also, treat process addictions such as gambling, online porn, and sex addition.
Malibu Horizon - Non 12 Step Treatment Center
State of the art drug alcohol rehab detox treatment center specializing in opiate detox and dual diagnosis. Offers non 12 step program.
US Rehab Network - National Drug & Alcohol Treatment Directory
A free directory of top alcohol and drug treatment centers for all 50 states. Easily locate an addiction rehabilitation center in your state for detox, therapy or inpatient treatment.
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